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Spring 2022


It is a long time since I wrote on this blog, and spring has sprung! I hope that you are getting back to your normal activities and enjoying getting out and about in the lovely spring sunshine which we are having at the moment.

Take the Floor, the latest programmes feature Martainn Skene and Da Fustra and can be found here

Many of you will know by now that the Headington class held a dance on 6th March, I am reliable informed that it is not the first time the group has organised a formal dance, but it is certainly the first dance in over 25 years, which feels like a major achievement! We had 54 dancers and raised £500 for 2 local charities, Flexicare which provides a free sitting service to families with disabled children, and Helen and Douglas House, which provides a hospice for children. The music was provided by Ian Muir from Prestwick and we all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. There will be more dances to come, so watch this space!

Here are some photos from the dance.

As usual, some "funnies" to entertain you:

Wife: "could you please go and buy a carton of milk, and if they have eggs get 6"

A short time later the husband walks in with 6 cartons of milk.

Wife: "Why on earth did you buy 6 cartons of milk?"

Husband: "They had eggs".

What do you call a Scotsman with one foot inside his hoose and one foot outside?


This one if for the musicians amongst you - They should have a follow-up to the G7 Summit a week later, and call it the C Major Summit.Maybe that will resolve the issue.



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